2,000 miles!

Miles: 1994.7 to 2026 Mileage: 31.3 Day: 96 The alarm went off at 5:30 and 6. Nope. Too early. Richard reset it for 6:30 a.m. Not a huge difference, but enough to make us feel better about getting up. Despite the direct sun, things took a little while to warm up. The lava walking continued […]

A Jonah Day

Miles: 1964.6 to 1994.7 Mileage: 30.1 Day: 95 Has anyone else read the “Anne of Green Gables” series? When I was a kid, I was pretty much obsessed with these books and Anne, with an “e.” (Side note: one of the things I love about my red sun hat is that, in silhouette with my […]

Who likes Cheesits?

Miles: 1944.2 to 1964.6 Mileage: 20.4, plus 2.4 to and from Elk Lake resupply Day: 94 The mosquitoes were back in the morning to wake us. Fortunately, it was on the chilly side, so they moved slowly. We were motivated to get in the 15 miles we had to cover to get to Elk Lake […]

More PCT blogs to come

Hey everybody, Sorry for the long lapse in blog posts. Richard and I got off the trail in late July and have been trying to reconnect to our real lives, which has been distracting and exhausting. I still have more to share about our last days in Oregon and they are on their way. Thanks […]

On our own again

Miles: 1914 to 1944.2 Mileage: 30.2 Day: 93 After Terry drove us the short distance back to the trail, we hugged and parted ways.  She went off the pick up Annette, Richard’s sister, from the airport in Eugene and we went north.  The day got warm, fast. Despite hiking under a fairly consistent canopy, I […]

Happy three-month trailversary

Miles: 1883.9 to 1914 Mileage: 30.1 Day: 92 Today our PCT journey turned 3 months old.  It feels like it’s been so much longer than that. Campo, California, the nearest town to the border with Mexico feels like a century ago.  And yet, for us this year, our trail journey will be over in 10 […]

Slack pack day 2

Miles: 1852.5 to 1883.9 Mileage: 31.4 Day: 91 The second night at the campsite in Crater Lake, we had electricity. We woke up to completely charged devices. Such luxury.  We tried to move quickly, but getting three people organized in the small RV was challenging. Eventually we got to the trailhead just after 8 a.m. […]

Slack pack day 1

Miles: 1830.4 to 1852.5 Mileage: 22.1, plus .5 back to PCT Day: 90 A change in the pace of thruhiking is always nice. But it can also be a disruption to the regular flow of things. No matter, really. A late start can be worth the comfort of an RV, I think. On that note, […]

One day to dry between rain storms

Miles: 1807 to 1830.4 Mileage: 23.4, plus 1.2 to Mazama Village resupply Day: 89 After our longest day yet, I slept through the first alarm. Richard slept through the second.  We got started after 7:30 a.m. but made great progress all morning.  We followed a drainage down the valley and then side-hilled through old forest […]

In the land of lost items

Miles: 1774.4 to 1807 Mileage: 32.6 Day: 88 It didn’t rain overnight, but the trees dripped their darnedest so the tent was wet when Richard packed it away.  While the rain stayed away all day, thankfully, it wasn’t always sunny. At one point, we were walking through thick enough tree cover that I put my […]