One day to dry between rain storms

Miles: 1807 to 1830.4

Mileage: 23.4, plus 1.2 to Mazama Village resupply

Day: 89

After our longest day yet, I slept through the first alarm. Richard slept through the second. 

We got started after 7:30 a.m. but made great progress all morning. 

We followed a drainage down the valley and then side-hilled through old forest fire areas for the morning. 

After noon, the rain started. We stopped to put on pack covers. As we stood there, it started raining harder. I put on my rain jacket. Then the hail started. It stung as the pea-sized ice chunks bounced off my head and legs and bare, cold hands. 

None of it lasted long, but long enough to completely wet us. And I was so dry just moments before. 

The wet feet darkened my mood even as the sky lightened. Oh, well. Oregon is supposed to be wet, I hear.

When we got to Mazama Village in Crater Lake National Park, it was sunny and warm. 

The plan was to meet Terry, Richard’s mom, at the store. We ran into each other soon after arriving. We exploded into the RV and Terry was kind enough to make room for us while we made a huge mess. 

We all went to dinner at the restaurant across the parking lot, then got ice cream at the store. 

Before bed, we went to a ranger talk on the geology of caldera lakes (Crater Lake is a caldera lake). 

Terry will be slack packing us the next few days. 

But now it’s time for bed. 


The trail through old lava flows south of Crater Lake.


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