Day 28
Miles: 0
Mileage from start: 2,437
The forecast called for rain for most of the day; at least, the part of the day that we bike. It didn’t rain overnight and when the sun rose, it was sunny.
I laid in the tent reading Bridge to Terabithia and trying not to wake Richard with my crying. That book is so good and I hadn’t read it since fifth grade. I definitely woke him up.
It wasn’t long after that that the wind picked up and the clouds took over the sky. We packed up and biked over to a nearby hotel. They were nice enough to let us check in early. By the time we took showers and got ready to go eat, it was raining.
We went out into the rain and ate at an Italian restaurant. Then it was errands: grocery store, bank, post office.
We did laundry and sat in the hot tub. And napped pretty hard.
It was a nice zero to be inside and out of the rain and thunderstorms that came later in the afternoon.
And the forecast is great for tomorrow.