Day 29
Miles: 107
Mileage from start: 2,544
The day started off a little chilly but sunny. We had a slight wind from the north. But now that the landscape is trees rather than open farm fields, the wind isn’t that big of a deal.
Our route took us north through swampy land and we only got chased by one dog.
We stopped in Clam Lake for the night and got to spend time with a friend who we knew from her time in New Hampshire. It was so nice to sit around the fire, eat fire-roasted corn and share stories.
The mosquitoes up here are aggressive and, at least for me, elicit a pretty good reaction. I must be more allergic to the anti-clotting agent in their saliva than in other species I have more exposure to. These bites stay red and itchy for days. I have bites from North Dakota that I’m still scratching at. Richard doesn’t seem as bothered by them, but what else is new?