Day 53
Miles: 108
Mileage from start: 4,444.4
The breakfast at the lodge was hearty and lasting. Coffee. Cornmeal pancakes sprinkled with coconut shavings. Fake bacon that tasted awesome.
After slowly negotiating the gravel access road back down to route 118, we had a little more up to do before the long down hill into Lincoln, New Hampshire. And after that it was straight up the Kancamangus Highway to get over the White Mountains. It was 10 miles of up on a hot day, but with my stomach full of Lodge breakfast, it went pretty smoothly.
The long downhill to us to Conway for ice cream and eight miles later, we were in Maine.
And that brought a constant stream of short, but steep, ups and downs. We found water near Poland, Maine coming out of the mountainside. It was cool and clear and tasted great!
We camped near a lake on sand, my least favorite type of dirt. And had a dinner of chips, sour cream dip and noodles from a can.