Days 42, 43, 44
Miles: 15, 0, 0
Mileage from start: 3,790
Around 1 a.m. a strong storm front moved over us. The tall pines around our tent made terrific sounds as they bent against the wind. We checked the radar and saw red heading for us. Will the little tent make it? we asked.
The little tent did make it. And we actually stayed dry. I have to say, I didn’t think it would happen that way. Maybe the tall pines protected us. Maybe Toronto got the worst of it. Either way, we survived just a little tired from the noise of rain of the fly.
It rained lightly off and on in the morning, so we got wet. We rode past Niagara Falls and all the people looking at Niagara Falls. They let us back into the U.S. even though we went over the bridge with the cars rather than the pedestrians. I’m still not sure which way they would have preferred…
We rented a car, shoved the bikes in the back, got Indian food and started driving back to Ohio for a wedding.
After some rest, massages and bike maintenance, we will soon head back to the trail.