Day 12 Miles: 0 Miles from start: 944 Sleep, eat, sleep, boat ride, eat, sleep, eat, shower, sleep. That’s about how the day went. And how a zero should be, I think. Rest and energy consumption.  Breakfast was eggs Benedict at the hotel restaurant with goat cheese, tomatoes and spinach. Then a nap, followed by […]

Pains setting in, time for a zero

Day 11 Miles: 55 Mileage from start: 944 Right now I’m sitting in a laundromat in Waterton Village, Alberta. I am eating SweetTarts and trying to write but every time I finish a SweetTart I have to set my phone down so I can peel another off the roll. When we woke up this morning, […]

Went to the sun

Day 10 Miles: 115 Mileage from start: 889 Today was the longest miles combined with the hardest hill so far.  We got started at a reasonable time for us: 8:30 a.m. It was still chilly and we delayered as the sun warmed us. After some fairly straight forward riding through horse pastures and over gravely […]

Where’d my energy go?

Day 9 Miles: 89 Mileage from start: 774 Last night, from inside our tent, we could see the sky glow orange. We poked our heads out to catch the last of a lovely sunset.  In the morning we had another late start. We stopped for food at the grocery store in town and I got […]

Unto the third state

Day 8 Miles: 98 Mileage: 685 Oops! We slept through the alarm and woke at 9 a.m. It’s those comfy hotel beds plus darkened sleep curtains plus being constantly exhausted. Oh, well.  We got ourselves to breakfast — which was delicious eggs and vegetables — and packed up ready to leave around 11 a.m. Not […]

Richard saves a turtle!

Day 7 Miles: 107 Mileage from start: 587 After all the rain from yesterday, it was really nice to wake up without the patter of more on our tent.  As we started our ride, the air was crisp and big gray clouds blocked most of the sunlight. With towering pines on both sides of the […]

Goodbye sun, hello rain

Day 6 Miles: 81 Mileage from start: 480 It’s a good thing I was getting tired of all that sun and heat because it’s gone!  We slept in at the hotel in Republic and didn’t get moving until after 10 a.m. The day dawned cloudy and over breakfast it started raining and thundering. Fortunately the […]

You guys, it’s so hottttt

Day: 5 Miles: 84 Mileage from start: 399 When I was little, mom tells me, I had a very narrow threshold for temperature comfort. Most of the time I was either too hot or too cold. I haven’t really grown out of that but at least I’ve learned to like the cold and tolerate the […]

Quads are screaming so focus on the beauty

Day: 4 Miles: 100 Mileage from start: 314 We wanted an early start so we’d have a better chance of making it over the Rainy, Washington and Loup Loup passes.  So when we started at 7:20 it was chilly. As we climbed higher, it was still warm enough to get soaked in sweat, but not […]

Into the mountains

Day 3 Miles: 77 Mileage from start: 214 I woke up this morning hungry. That’s a first for this trip with many more to come, I assume.  We ate bagels and eggs and coffee and yogurt and fruit. Then packed up and headed east.  Part of our day was spent on Route 20. Going up […]