Miles: 1197.1 to 1216.2
Mileage: 19.1, plus 1.5 road walk to the PCT from town
Day: 65
We slept in and had breakfast in town. I got eggs Benedict and a waffle donut (waffle, fried and covered in glaze).
The store where we sent our resupply packages was to open at 10 a.m., although the guide book said 9. It actually opened at 10:30 a.m.
We got our packages, organized ourselves, had a milkshake each and finally got on our way back to the trail after noon. We couldn’t catch a ride, so we walked the 1.5 miles. It wasn’t too steep, but it was warm.
Once back at the trail, we started up. We gained a couple thousand feet over the next seven miles. Toward the top we saw so many day hikers. They all smelled like Bounce dryer sheets to me.
At 4 p.m., we decided to hike six more miles, then maybe another four if we made good time on the first six. We did make good time, so we headed to the camp spot north.
About 2 miles before the camp spot, we passed a rock-covered hole making smoke. Someone had made a fire ring, but didn’t remove the duff before they built a fire and now the ground was smoking.
This was a forest fire waiting to happen.
Richard sacrificed the rest of his drinking water to put it out. We stirred the fire and doused it until we felt satisfied that it was done smoking.
We got to our tentsite around 7:40, set up the tent, made dinner and fell asleep hard.
Happy Fourth! Aunt Rachel? Think of me when you watch “1776.” I wish I was watching it with you.