Day 7 (109)
Miles: 20.1
Mileage: 2,262.2
It rained all night. We were nice and dry in our tent, but our socks and shoes stayed wet. Oh, well. That’s why we each have at least one extra pair of socks.
I decided to sleep with my wet dress and underwear. It made for a couple of uncomfortable hours, but eventually they dried and I slept. It was worth it, I feel, to avoid putting on wet clothes this morning.
When the alarm went off at 6 a.m., I didn’t hear it. Richard said he heard it but also heard the rain on the tent and so decided not to wake me.
We got moving after 7 a.m. and hiking after 8. It stayed cloudy all day, and chilly, too.
We stopped for lunch by a buggy lake and I had to put on all my rain layers against the bugs and chill.
We didn’t finish all our food at lunch and by the time we stopped to make camp 8 miles later, we were grateful for the leftovers.
I also ate wild boar jerky that Richard found for me online (if given the chance, I would eat sugar alone to fuel my hike) and a Snickers bar.
We made a fire to keep off the chill and Richard tried to dry out his socks.
We were in our sleeping bags by 7:30 p.m. and asleep soon after.