Day 41
Miles: 126
Mileage from start: 3,778
We started a little earlier today, so it was cooler in the beginning. Most of the morning was foggy and even slightly chilly, especially after eating ice cream.
But we put sunscreen on anyway and it’s a good thing we did because by noon it was hot and sunny and humid and we were roasting.
Any breeze, even a headwind, was welcome to move the air around us.
By 5 p.m. we’d left the fields of corn and soybeans and so much asparagus behind us and ended the day on a rail trail. It wasn’t as shaded as I’d hoped, but it was better than open fields.
Tonight we’re camped along the Niagara River and tomorrow we’ll go past the falls.
They’re calling for thunderstorms overnight which might take the temperature down a bit. I made sure to tuck down the Tyvec sheet well over our bikes.

It’s been a fun read. Continue to have fun and take good care.
Best wishes,
Greg and Raymond