Day 12 (114)
Miles: 25.1
Mileage: 2,374.3
It was another hot day. Even by 8 a.m., the sweating was underway. We we through water quickly but only came upon sources intermittently.
The top of Mt. Rainier was visible multiple times. After every long, steep climb we were able to see it peek over a ridge.
Near midday we found a cooler full of water and juice for hikers. Trail magic!
My feet didn’t start to bother me until after 10 miles or so. And it only got really bad after 20 miles. It’s a slight improvement and I’ll take it!
Richard’s blisters are not any better or worse, he says.
Although it’s very hot, we are both grateful that it’s not raining. Washington is supposed to be very rainy when most PCT hikers are coming through. We have only had a day of rain thus far. We’ll see how long our luck will hold.