Miles: 549 to 569.9
Mileage: 20.9
Day: 27
The morning was cold up on the mountain and we were reluctant to get out of our sleeping bags. Yet we did, and left camp with many layers on that had to be removed soon after we started walking.
The first nine miles to Tehachapi-Willow Springs road was fairly straight forward. The last three miles were among giant wind turbines that hummed overhead.
The sky was clear but there was still a bit of a chill to the air.
At the road we had to spend some time figuring out how to get into town. We had two boxes at the post office and needed to buy a few things.
Ultimately we called a taxi and split it with two other hikers trying to get into town.
With chores done, we got food at a Thai restaurant and finally got in touch with a trail angel who gave us a ride back out of town. She warned of rain and maybe snow.
We hiked another nine miles, entirely through wind farms that we heard feed the electrical needs of Las Vegas, then took a break to figure out some logistics for when we have to get off trail in a couple of weeks. We sat along the I-58 corridor and watched clean people in cars whizz past.
Then we hiked another few miles and found a slanting tent sight high on the ridge for the night.