Of tailwinds and sidewinds

Day 13 Miles: 109 Miles from start: 1,053 We left Waterton Village under clear skies and with that wicked wind to our backs.  It didn’t stay at our backs all day, however. Much of the day was spent at a tilt to the south to accommodate for the strong wind.  In front of me, Richard […]


Day 12 Miles: 0 Miles from start: 944 Sleep, eat, sleep, boat ride, eat, sleep, eat, shower, sleep. That’s about how the day went. And how a zero should be, I think. Rest and energy consumption.  Breakfast was eggs Benedict at the hotel restaurant with goat cheese, tomatoes and spinach. Then a nap, followed by […]

Pains setting in, time for a zero

Day 11 Miles: 55 Mileage from start: 944 Right now I’m sitting in a laundromat in Waterton Village, Alberta. I am eating SweetTarts and trying to write but every time I finish a SweetTart I have to set my phone down so I can peel another off the roll. When we woke up this morning, […]