Day 9 (111)
Miles: 16.1, plus half-mile each way to resupply
Mileage: 2,298.3
Despite the cool morning we got moving, motivated by the prospect of town and eating.
It was a ten-mile hike, with one climb, to White Pass where we picked up the box of food I’d mailed and enjoyed the Internet.
The hike in was made lovely by the clear skies and bright sun. We were treated with a full-on view of Mt. Rainier at the top of the only substantial climb.
The hike down to the pass was busy with weekend hikers who all smelled of fresh laundry.
At White Pass, we organized, ate and spent 5.5 hours. Most of our time was spent on logistics for our next adventure (info to come).
It was a warm day and we were happy to spend the heat of it indoors and sitting still.
After finishing up with front country chores, we put in another 6 miles to Beush Lake, where we cooked our most voluminous dinner (Ramen noodles) and made a fire.