Day 10 (112)
Miles: 24.8
Mileage: 2,323.1
It was another cold night despite the weather forecast that things were supposed to really heat up.
We both heard the alarm go off at 6 a.m. and promptly ignored it. We eventually got up and packed and moving by 8 a.m.
I ate a pop tart as we walked and watched the sky turn from pale to bright blue.
The first part of the day we dropped elevation until we crossed a large creek. Then it was up, up, up to a ridge line that afforded us more views of Rainier.
The alpine vegetation is in full bloom. We constantly pass Indian paintbrush (that is more pink than red), lupine and columbine. Today the lupine were more fragrant than usual, which was especially nice when we passed people on the trail. Both Richard and I smell terrible right now.
As forecasted, the day really warmed up by the time we were climbing and we spent the rest of the day sweating.
There have been lakes aplenty in this area, so bugs are a constant. Flies and mosquitoes are the most prevalent.
Tonight we’re camped at Sheep Lake, which is easily accessed from Chinook Pass. There are many other people here just out for the night. I’m looking forward to heading north and away from the popular spots.

I am heading out from Hart’s Pass on Friday heading south to just south of Goat Rocks. I don’t want you to be surprised if I say hey as we pass. I have been following your adventures for over a year now and look forward to seeing you…but I don’t want to appear to stalkerish so I thought I would give you a heads up ( :
Hi Monique, it was nice to see you on the trail! I hope the rest of your hike went well!