Day 24 (126)
Miles: 21.2
Mileage: 2,590.6
Breakfast started at 7 a.m. and we were ready and waiting. There was eggs and granola and yogurt and potatoes, but I filled up on the delicious homemade biscuits.
After breakfast we gathered our packs and caught the bus back out to the trailhead.
It was another hot day and a few miles in, the fact that we were showered and wearing clean clothes was no longer noticeable.
We spent the whole day walking uphill. The twenty miles coming into Stehekin were downhill and now we were paying for it.
Around 4:30 p.m., we crossed Route 2 at Rainy Pass. This was the first big climb of our cross country bike trip this summer. On the morning of our fourth day on bikes we crested Rainy Pass. And on the evening of our fourth-to-last day of our PCT hike, we crossed it again.