Day 47
Miles: 125
Mileage from start: 4,099
We decided to give ourselves more time by getting up and out before 8 a.m. By 10, we’d covered 30 miles.
I remember when crossing from New Jersey to New York on the Appalachian Trail, I was surprised by how hilly New York was. All of a sudden the hills were steep and frequent.
I feel that way about New York, again. As soon as we left the shore of Lake Ontario the hills came at us. On repeat. All day.
Most weren’t terribly steep but some motivated me to drop down into — and be grateful for — my granny gear (that third crank gear by my pedals that is small and usually useless until I’m grinding up a big hill. I honestly didn’t think I would use it again until Middlebury Gap in Vermont.
The weather was nice. No rain and even a little chilly. When we paid for our campsite tonight, the weather forecast said it would go down to 44 tonight. And I just switched to a lighter sleeping bag. Oh, well. I still have my down jacket.
Even though I ate ice cream twice today, I was still slowing down by the last 20 miles or so. I was just so sleepy. And all I could imagine was the taste of a cappuccino.
We’re already feeling the pull of the Upper Valley, our home in Vermont and New Hampshire. We’re hoping to make it into Vermont tomorrow.

It was a pleasure to have breakfast with you two this morning at Moosilauke Ravine Lodge. Here’s to happy trails for you both, downhills and tail winds when you need them, and good rides all day every day! Your inspiration and Richard’s trail advice were spot on target, thank you so much for that! Have a great “rest of the trip” and enjoy the journey as it seems you have been doing for some time now.