Day 45
Miles: 101
Mileage from start: 3,891
We stayed at hotel in Buffalo on our drive back after the Ohio break. Because we got in late to the hotel, we slept in until 8:30. Then came breakfast, gathering our stuff and driving to Niagara to return the car.
It was a late start, but that’s how we roll.
The first 25 miles were spent on roads as usual. But at Lockport, NY, we got on the Erie Canalway Trail and stayed on it the rest of the day.
To my surprise, we found the trail was not paved. That’s surprising to me because the Adventure Cycling Association (which produces the maps we’re using) has never before made non-pavement the official route. There have been alternates available, but the main route always avoids permeable surfaces.
Other than in a handful of spots, the ride on the trail was fine. But a couple of times I felt my back wheel fish tailing and I thought about seeking the paved alternate on route 31.
The trail through Rochester was paved, which was lovely.
While we covered 100, we intended to go a little further. The dirt surface slowed us down.
We made it to a hotel before dark. There is no place to camp along this stretch. Now we’re showered and fed by the nearby Chinese take out place.
The hotel manager was great and gave us an upgrade to a suite that has more square footage than our house in York, Pa. had.
Now I am falling asleep as I write this.